Expanding the Circle With a Podcast

Image by Florante Valdez from Pixabay

Image by Florante Valdez from Pixabay

Today I am announcing the launch of the Single Soul Circle podcast. I was looking for a way to incorporate more voices into the circle and thought a podcast would be a great way to share viewpoints from others to inspire the single community.

I was reading Seth Godin’s blog one day, and he announced a new workshop called The Podcast Fellowship. I made a spontaneous decision for once in my life and signed up. A podcast may seem simple, but I quickly learned that there are many elements to putting together a successful podcast from both a technical and emotional perspective.

Not only did I struggle with some of the intricacies of audio editing, I also cringed at the sound of my own voice. I spent hours trying to find music that was fun, a good fit with my material and free. When I wanted to quit, the coaches and my classmates encouraged me to continue on and provided resources to assist.

The last challenge was facing my perfectionism. Before launching, I was listening to some other people’s podcasts and started to feel like mine was not good enough. Maybe if I pulled some of the fun quotes from the interview into the introduction or maybe if I re-recorded my part, it would be better. But, I had to stop myself and move forward with what I had. Perfection is not going to happen and should not be a goal. It is important to start somewhere and have room to grow. My first interview was with my life coach, and he has a great message to share with all of you. I could not delay this any longer out of my own fears.

Thank you to everyone who encouraged me along the way from my friends who allowed me to practice interviewing them, to the people in my class who cheered me on and to my coach who teamed up with me on the first episode. And to all of you who read my blog, thank you for inspiring me every day. I hope you enjoy the addition of the podcast.

If there is something you are thinking about that is outside your comfort zone, I highly encourage you to go for it. You will find growth within yourself and are likely to find a supportive community.

I am also looking for future guests for the podcast. If you would like to be a guest, have an idea for a guest, or an idea for a topic, please let me know. I could also use assistance with ratings on iTunes. If you like what you hear, please take a few minutes to provide a rating and/or comments.

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